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在軌道交通領域,目前焊接鋁蜂窩三明治板可應用于:In rail transport industry, currently welded aluminum honeycomb sandwich plate can be applied on
——車輛裙板 skirt of rail vehicles
——設備倉蓋板 cover for equiment storage
——車輛間壁, 頂板, 墻板 car partition, ceiling and wind panel
——車輛地板 car floor
——門系統 door system
同時該材料還可應用于 Meanwhile this material can also be applied on
——車體結構 carbody structure
——車頭蒙皮 car front end cover
在建筑領域,該材料可應用于 In architecture field, this material can be applied on
——建筑裝飾性外墻, 內裝. Exterior decorative wall and interior fitting
在軍工領域,該材料可應用于 In military field, this material can be applied on
——應急跑道的道面板 Panle of emergency aistrip
——方艙 Shelter
——導彈發射筒missile reflector
——雷達罩殼Radar cover
航空航天領域 In aviation and aerospace filed,
——衛星及飛機結構件 structural components of satellite and aircraft
船舶領域 in shipping field
——船舶結構件 vessel structural components
——船舶內裝件 vessel interior fitting components
激光切割機橫梁 Beam of laser cutting machine
The application of this material will becomer wider and wider with its more and more recongiaztion by market.